Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru Addresses Humanity 21 March, 2017 in Lalitpur, Nepal

Dharma Sangha Bodhi Shrawan Guru Sangaya Mai Maitri Sarva Dharma Sangaya Having maintained the purest state of pristine consciousness since ages upon...

Words of Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru (Feb 22, 2015)

No authority in any world has the right to declare against True Dharma. At the right time, responses to the objections will be given to the Universe...

Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru's Message in Lamjung of February 22, 2014

Dharma Sangha Bodhi Shravan Guru Sanghaya Namo Maitri Sarva Dharma Sanghaya 1. Following the Great Maitri Marga Guru, the GuruMarga and the Bhagvan...

Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru's Message in Chitwan of June 8, 2013

Dharma Sangha Bodhi Shravan Guru Sanghaya Namo Maitri Sarva Dharma Sanghaya 1. Being in unison with the True Dharma, Guru, and the Way; may the...

Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru's Message in Patharkot of April 9, 2013

Dharma Sangha Bodhi Shravan Guru Sanghaya Namo Maitri Sarva Dharma Sanghaya [1] 1. Adhering to the Maha Maitriya Marga (the Great Loving Way), being...

Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha’s Message in Sindhuli of September 10, 2012

1. Following the True Dharma and the Guru in this current time, making all the meritorious souls present and absent here Maitri Mangalam (Lovingly Peaceful...

Birthday Speech in Halkhoriya in 2012

1. Benefiting all Sanghas and followers with Loving Kindness, today’s Yuga (age) is not only a time for festivity, it is for imparting the Path of Freedom...

Closing Speech for The World Loving Peace Puja on March 26, 2012

1. May all Sanghas [1] keeping the discipline of the Dharma [2] gathered at the World Loving Peace Puja [3] show unification to the world uniting all sentient...

Opening Speech for The World Peace Maitri Puja on March 21, 2012

Dharma Sangha Namo Bodhi Shravan Guru Sanghaya Namo Maitri Sarva Dharma Sanghaya 1. I am giving the message of the eternal Dharma [1] to the...

Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha's Message of January 28, 2012

1. The Guru, accepting all the engaged Sanghas, Officers and surrounding disciples in Bodhi Shravan Dharma Sangha, and having taken refuge in this Truth...

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